
Here you’ll find interesting cases of eye conditions along with news and developments in the ophthalmology world.

Cases are presented as an initial image with history and examination. Health practitioners are encouraged to deduce the condition, before further investigations, diagnosis and management are presented.

We hope you find it as educational, informative and exciting as we do!

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Newsletter privacy notice

The information provided during signup is used by Eye Specialists Centre to send newsletters using the cloud-based software, Mailchimp. We do not disclose or share your personal data with other third party without your consent, or unless it is required by law. If you have any concerns about your privacy, please do not hesitate to ask.

As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients, carers, staff and doctors, we have prepared a detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan following government guidelines.

We are now officially registered as a Covid-19 Safe Business!

This means we are committed to protecting the community and preventing the spread covid-19 by following the Government guidelines.

As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients, carers, staff and doctors, we have prepared a detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan, components of this plan includes:

1. Wellbeing of staff and patients

  • Regular Staff training
  • Modified clinical flow to minimise face-to-face contact time
  • Telehealth made available
  • All staff and visitors to be temperature checked and hand sanitised on arrival

2. Physical distancing

  • Rearranged waiting room to maintain social distancing
  • Mandatory face masks while in the practice
  • Reception and consulting room shields
  • Custom-designed acrylic equipment barriers

3. Hygiene and Cleaning

  • Hand sanitiser stations readily available throughout the clinic
  • Regular disinfecting surfaces in waiting rooms and throughout the clinic
  • Regular disinfecting surfaces of all diagnostic equipment between each patient
  • Recording keeping contact details of staff and customers
  • Register of all staff and visitors to the practice for accurate and efficient contact tracing.

4. Record keeping of contact details of staff and customers

  • Register of all staff and visitors to the practice for accurate and efficient contact tracing.


Have a question?   Call one of our clinics today.

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