We are now officially registered as a Covid-19 Safe Business!
This means we are committed to protecting the community and preventing the spread covid-19 by following the Government guidelines.
As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients, carers, staff and doctors, we have prepared a detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan, components of this plan includes:
1. Wellbeing of staff and patients
- Regular Staff training
- Modified clinical flow to minimise face-to-face contact time
- Telehealth made available
- All staff and visitors to be temperature checked and hand sanitised on arrival
2. Physical distancing
- Rearranged waiting room to maintain social distancing
- Mandatory face masks while in the practice
- Reception and consulting room shields
- Custom-designed acrylic equipment barriers
3. Hygiene and Cleaning
- Hand sanitiser stations readily available throughout the clinic
- Regular disinfecting surfaces in waiting rooms and throughout the clinic
- Regular disinfecting surfaces of all diagnostic equipment between each patient
- Recording keeping contact details of staff and customers
- Register of all staff and visitors to the practice for accurate and efficient contact tracing.
4. Record keeping of contact details of staff and customers
- Register of all staff and visitors to the practice for accurate and efficient contact tracing.