
Here you’ll find interesting cases of eye conditions along with news and developments in the ophthalmology world.

Cases are presented as an initial image with history and examination. Health practitioners are encouraged to deduce the condition, before further investigations, diagnosis and management are presented.

We hope you find it as educational, informative and exciting as we do!

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The information provided during signup is used by Eye Specialists Centre to send newsletters using the cloud-based software, Mailchimp. We do not disclose or share your personal data with other third party without your consent, or unless it is required by law. If you have any concerns about your privacy, please do not hesitate to ask.

As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients, carers, staff and doctors, we have prepared a detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan following government guidelines.

We are now officially registered as a Covid-19 Safe Business!

As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients, carers, staff and doctors, we have prepared a detailed COVID-19 Safety Plan following government guidelines.

Watch Assoc Prof Fung discussing the RANZCO COVID-19 Triage Guidelines that determine which patients should be seen during the pandemic.

Clinical Trial: Reducing the Progression of Geographical Atrophy

At Retina & Macula Specialists, we are currently involved in a multi-centred international clinical trial on a subcutaneous anti-complement agent in attempt to reduce the progression of geographic atrophy (GA) related to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Watch Assoc Prof Fung discussing the RANZCO COVID-19 Triage Guidelines that determine which patients should be seen during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Implications on Retinal Diseases and Eye Health Professionals

Watch Assoc Prof Fung discussing the RANZCO COVID-19 Triage Guidelines that determine which patients should be seen during the pandemic.

COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of ophthalmology.  In this editorial from Ophthalmology, Assoc Prof Fung was invited to provide perspective on the Australian experience.

COVID-19 Preparedness

COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of ophthalmology. In this editorial from Ophthalmology, Assoc Prof Fung was invited to provide perspective on the Australian experience.

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Richard Parker.

Christmas Party 2019

Thank you to the Optometrists who attended our Christmas Party in December 2019. It was lovely to catch up with everyone.

Assoc Prof Fung presented 3 posters, 2 rapid fire papers and 2 symposia at this year's Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology conference.

Assoc Prof Fung attends APAO 2019 Bangkok

Assoc Prof Fung presented 3 posters, 2 rapid fire papers and 2 symposia at this year's Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology conference.

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Richard Parker.

RANZCO Teacher of Excellence

Assoc Prof Adrian Fung was awarded the RANZCO "Teacher of Excellence" for his services in teaching.

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Richard Parker.

R&MS welcomes Dr Richard Parker

Retina & Macula Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Richard Parker.

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Thushanthi Ramakrishnan.

R&MS welcomes Dr Thushanthi Ramakrishnan

Retina & Macula Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Thushanthi Ramakrishnan.

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Amy Pai.

R&MS welcomes Dr Amy Pai

Retina & Macular Specialists is proud to announce the addition of Dr Amy Pai.

Associate Professor Fung had the pleasure of being invited to speak at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre (ZOC) on December 27 2017.

Associate Professor Adrian Fung Speaks in China

Associate Professor Fung had the pleasure of being invited to speak at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre (ZOC) on December 27 2017.

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